
Best Bodyweight Exercises for Abs

Discover the best bodyweight exercises for abs and achieve a strong core with these effective plank and crunch variations. Get fit without a gym!

The Importance of Abs in Overall Fitness

Let's get one thing straight: abs are not just for looking good on the beach. While having a six-pack may be a nice bonus, strong and functional abs are crucial for overall fitness and health. Your core muscles, including your abs, play a vital role in stabilizing your spine and maintaining proper posture.

They also help with everyday movements like bending down to pick something up or reaching overhead. But it's not just about function - having strong abs can also improve athletic performance across the board.

Whether you're a runner, weightlifter, or yoga enthusiast, a solid core will enhance your stability and power output. And let's not forget about injury prevention - weak abs can lead to back pain and other imbalances.

The Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises for Abs

Before we dive into the best bodyweight exercises for abs, let's talk about why we're focusing on bodyweight specifically. First of all, bodyweight exercises require no equipment (obviously), which makes them accessible to anyone at any time. They also tend to be more functional than gym machines or weighted exercises - think about it, when do you ever lift something heavy with perfectly isolated muscles in real life?

Bodyweight exercises also allow for a greater range of motion and flexibility than some traditional ab exercises like sit-ups or machine crunches. Plus, incorporating movements that challenge multiple muscle groups (like planks) can lead to more comprehensive strength gains.

Overview of the Best Bodyweight Exercises for Abs

Now that we've established why we're focusing on bodyweight exercises specifically let's take a look at some of the best moves out there for targeting those abs: -Plank variations: Planks are arguably one of the most effective ab exercises out there because they engage not just your abs but your entire core and stabilizer muscles as well. And the best part is, there are endless variations to keep things interesting.

Try standard planks, side planks, reverse planks, or any number of creative plank challenges. -Crunch variations: Okay, so crunches may not be the most functional exercise out there - but they still have their place in an ab workout.

Plus, adding a little variety to your crunches can make things a bit more fun (yes, I said fun). Try bicycle crunches, Russian twists, leg raises or any other twist on the classic move.

There you have it - a brief overview of why strong abs are important and why bodyweight exercises are such a great tool for building them up. Now let's get into some of the nitty-gritty details on specific exercises that will help you carve out those six-pack abs (or just feel stronger and more functional overall).

High-Level Overview

Plank Variations

Planks are one of the most effective bodyweight exercises for developing core strength and stability. They’re also incredibly versatile, with a wide range of variations that can challenge various muscle groups in different ways. The standard plank is a great place to start, as it targets all major muscles in the core, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques and lower back.

One of my favourite plank variations is the side plank. This exercise targets the obliques and helps to improve overall stability in the hips and pelvis.

It also engages the shoulders and arms, making it a great full-body workout. Another effective variation is the reverse plank, which targets the lower back and glutes while strengthening the shoulders and triceps.

Crunch Variations

Crunches are another popular bodyweight exercise for targeting the abs. While traditional crunches are effective at targeting the rectus abdominis muscle (the “six-pack”), there are several variations that can add more variety to your workout routine.

Bicycle crunches are one of my favourites because they target both your upper abs and your obliques simultaneously while also working your legs. Russian twists are another great option as they work several muscle groups at once – abs, obliques, hips – as well as improve mobility throughout your spine.

Leg raises can be an intense move for anyone looking to challenge themselves while still focusing on abs alone. Overall, adding these plank and crunch variations into your workout routine will help you build stronger abs and improve overall core strength without needing any equipment beyond a good exercise mat or towel!

Plank Variations

The Spiderman Plank - Fun and Challenging Exercise Engaging Multiple Muscle Groups

If you're looking for an exercise that challenges your core while also engaging your upper body and legs, look no further than the Spiderman plank. To perform this exercise, start in a standard plank position with your forearms on the ground and your feet shoulder-width apart. From there, bring your right knee up to touch your right elbow, then return to the starting position.

Repeat on the left side. The Spiderman plank works not only your abs but also your obliques, shoulders, chest, back, glutes, and hip flexors.

Plus, it's a fun and dynamic exercise that will keep you engaged throughout your workout. So if you're tired of boring old planks or sit-ups, give the Spiderman plank a try.

How to do it properly?

1. Start in a standard plank position with forearms on the ground

2. Bring your right knee up to touch your right elbow.

3. Return to starting position.

4. Repeat on the left side.

What muscles does it work?

Abs, obliques, shoulders, chest, back glutes and hip flexors

What are the benefits?

Engages multiple muscle groups for an efficient workout that's both fun and challenging.

The Plank Jacks - Intense Workout That Can Help You Burn Fat And Build Core Strength

Those looking for a more intense variation of planks that still focuses on core strength while targeting other muscle groups as well should add Plank Jacks into their routine! This dynamic movement is guaranteed to get your heart pumping while tightening up those abs. To perform this exercise simply start in a standard forearm or hand plank position with your feet together.

From there, jump your feet out to the sides, then jump them back together. To increase intensity or difficulty you can add a push-up between each plank jack.

The Plank Jacks work your abs, obliques, shoulders, chest, back glutes and cardio system at the same time. This makes it great for those who want an intense workout that can help them burn fat and build core strength in less time.

How to do it properly?

1. Start in a plank position.

2. Jump feet out to the sides.

3. Jump your feet back together.

4. Repeat for desired reps.

What muscles does it work?

Abs, obliques, shoulders, chest and back muscles and cardio.

What are the benefits?

Targets multiple muscle groups for an intense full-body workout that helps burn fat and build core strength.

Crunch Variations

The V-Up Crunch - Perfect exercise for those who...

The V-up crunch exercise is perfect for those who are looking to take their core workout to the next level while targeting your upper abs as well as your lower abs! It's a challenging move but highly effective if you're aiming to get washboard abs!

This targeted movement works the upper abs while also engaging lower abdominal muscles as well as hip flexors making it one of the best exercises around!

How to do it properly?

1. Lie on your back with your legs extended out straight ahead.

2. Arms stretched above your head facing towards the sky.

3. Engage your core and lift your arms and legs into a V-shape.

4. Slowly lower back down to starting position.

What muscles does it work?

Upper abs, lower abs and hip flexors.

What are the benefits?

Highly effective at targeting upper abs while also engaging lower abdominal muscles as well as hip flexors making it one of the best exercises around!


Bodyweight exercises are an excellent way to target your abs while also working other muscle groups in your body. The Spiderman plank, Plank Jacks and V-Up Crunch are just a few examples of how you can get creative with your routine to keep things interesting and challenging.

By incorporating these exercises into your workout regimen, you'll be well on your way to achieving those six-pack abs that you've always wanted! So don't wait any longer - start incorporating these bodyweight exercises into your routine today!

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